1. Total Expense Ratio of Mutual Fund Schemes

      Fund Spotlight

      Tata Balanced Advantage Fund

      The market might be topsy-turvy. Your portfolio need not be. The fund uses a smart proprietary asset allocation model for allocating assets between equity and debt. The fund's asset allocation model relies on valuation, trend and volatility parameters to decide allocation to equity.

      Tata Hybrid Equity Fund

      Tata Hybrid Equity Fund actively manages the combination of the equity & debt investments depending on existing market conditions & outlook. The focus is on long term Wealth creation through a prudent combination of Equity and Debt

      Tools & Calculators

      Mutual Fund Calculator

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      Find out what your monthly investment should be to realize your long-term goals

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      Retirement Plan Calculator

      Retirement Plan

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      Investor Education

      Suppandi - Mutual Fund Investor Education
      Mutual Fund Investor Education

      About Us

      Tata Asset Management Limited has a track record of more than 24 years in investment management. Our origin stems from a much respected and internationally acclaimed industrial house – the Tata Group – whose business philosophy has made our country and its people partners in the wealth creation process. As one of the leading Indian Investment Managers, we understand that managing wealth is as important as the creation of it. Our Vision is to secure the financial future of our investors and thereby deliver to them a better quality of life. We aim for overall excellence, within the framework of transparent and rigorous risk controls.

      We constantly benchmark our efforts against the following tenets of performance:

      • Consistency
      • Flexibility
      • Stability
      • Services
      Know More
      Updating your KYC and PAN is Mandatory: All unitholders are required to update Permanent Account Number (PAN) and complete Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements*. *Please intimate us about the updation along with your folio number. For more information, contact your distributor (if any) or any of the Investor Service Centres. Click here for updating your PAN online.

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      • Need Help Call Us at (022) 6282 7777
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        (022) 6282 7777


      The information and data contained in this Website do not constitute distribution, an offer to buy or sell or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any Schemes/Units of Tata Mutual Fund, securities or financial instruments in any jurisdiction in which such distribution, sale or offer is not authorised. The material/information provided in this Website is for the limited purposes of information only for the investors. In particular, the information herein is not for distribution and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any Schemes/Units of Tata Mutual Fund, securities or financial instruments to any person in the United States of America ('US')/Canada.

      Currently, the funds of TATA Mutual Fund have not been registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the 'Securities Act') or under the securities laws of any state and the funds have not been registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the 'Investment Company Act') of the United States. Units in the funds are therefore not being offered or sold within the United States/ Canada or to United States/ Canadian Persons.

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